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The Bungalow, Loatlands Primary School, Desborough, Northamptonshire NN14 2NJ | Tel: 01536 903399

Pathfinder Schools is committed to ensuring that our financial records, funding agreements, admissions arrangements, governance documents and policies are all available to our staff, parents and communities.

Pathfinder Schools is a private company limited by guarantee. It has charitable status and is registered in England and Wales under company number 07670511.

Registered Office: The Bungalow, Loatlands Primary School, Desborough, Northamptonshire NN14 2NJ

School admissions

Under the current Government legislation, parents have the right to apply for a place at any school regardless of their address.  If the number of applications for places at the school exceed the number of places available, then certain admissions criteria will apply. These criteria are clearly set out in our admissions policy which applied to every school within the Trust.


Please see the current Pathfinder Schools Admissions Policies on our Policies page. 

All admissions to any Pathfinder School is coordinated through either North Northamptonshire (all schools except Naseby CofE Primary School) or West Northamptonshire (for Naseby CofE Primary School). 

Click here to view the Admissons page for North Northamptonshire

Click here to view the Admissions page for West Northamptonshire 

Our Performance

Information on the school performance tables published by the Secretary of State on the Department for Education's website can be found below.

Government School Comparison Website

How we are funded

Every Trust enters into a ‘master funding agreement’ which regulates the funding of all the schools in the Trust.  This is a formal contract, that was signed by both the Trust and the Secretary of State for Education when it was first established. It contains some conditions that Pathfinder Schools must abide by in order to comply with the terms of their funding.

Additional governing instruments

Articles of association – this sets out the purpose of the Trust (known as the Trust’s objects) and the composition of the board of Trustees.

Scheme of delegation - the role of our local governing bodies and the responsibility delegated to them is set down in a scheme of delegation, set by the board of trustees of the Trust.

Additional Statutory Documents

Please see below links to further key statutory documents: