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The Bungalow, Loatlands Primary School, Desborough, Northamptonshire NN14 2NJ | Tel: 01536 903399

What are Multi Academy Trusts? (MATs)

A ‘multi-academy trust’ is a group of schools who come together in partnership to form a charitable company.  As part of a MAT, individual schools remain as separate entities and receive separate Ofsted judgements. MAT’s are set up as charitable companies and are accountable directly to the DfE. Working as a group of schools has many advantages, particularly in terms of common goals and policies, streamlining school organisation and sharing expertise.

A Collaborative Partnership

Pathfinder Schools was formed as a collaborative partnership in order to share best practice and ensure that all our pupils benefit from the highest standard of education. Our partnership encourages each school to operate as a separate entity, celebrating it’s own unique qualities whilst benefiting from the support that collaboration offers, within an over-arching accountability structure.

Governance structure

As a multi-academy trust, Pathfinder Schools is responsible for a number of schools. Our Trust consists of both members and Trustees.

Our Members

Our members are the guardians of our constitution and ensure that the organisation is fulfilling it’s main objectives. They monitor the performance of the Trust and hold the directors to account.

Our Members are;

Dawn Simpson Lane

Steve Ward

Diocese of Peterborough representative

Our Trust Board

The Trustees are responsible for several core functions; setting the direction of the Trust, holding the CEO to account, monitoring standards, ensuring financial stability and managing risk.  In addition to a governance role, the Trust Board supports the management of the company by providing a range of expertise, contacts and skills.

Meet our Trust Board

Local Academy Boards

Individuals who sit on Local Academy Boards (LAB’s) are referred to as ‘local governors’. All our member schools have their own academy boards, responsible for setting the direction of the school and, alongside the CEO, holding the Head Teacher to account .  We have many local parents, business people and educationalists who volunteer their time and expertise for the benefit of our young people. A programme of induction, training and support is provided to ensure our governors have the skills to fulfil their functions.

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